Wokingham Choral Society Autumn Concert

At Wokingham Choral Society, we are thoroughly enjoying our rehearsals for Brahms’ German Requiem, under our guest conductor, Laurel Neighbour, and we are looking forward to performing it at:
Reading University’s Great Hall
Saturday, November 19th, at 7.30pm.
Reading University’s Great Hall
Saturday, November 19th, at 7.30pm.
In addition, we shall be singing Brahms’ Song of Destiny (‘Schicksalslied’) as well as Purcell’s Funeral Sentences. Part of this piece was sung at the recent funeral of her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, to whose memory our concert will be dedicated.
There will also be an opportunity to hear the Great Hall organ played by our brilliant new accompanist, George De Voil, in an excerpt from Mendelssohn’s Organ Sonata No.2.
Brahms wrote his Requiem, first performed in 1868, in memory of two people especially dear to him: firstly, his mother, who died in 1865, and, secondly, the composer Robert Schumann who had died nine years previously.
There will also be an opportunity to hear the Great Hall organ played by our brilliant new accompanist, George De Voil, in an excerpt from Mendelssohn’s Organ Sonata No.2.
Brahms wrote his Requiem, first performed in 1868, in memory of two people especially dear to him: firstly, his mother, who died in 1865, and, secondly, the composer Robert Schumann who had died nine years previously.
Tickets £17 adults / £5 students & u18’s http://www.ticketsource.co.uk/wokingham-choral-society